Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nest #3

Here's the third sparrow's nest I've removed from the bluebird box. They are quite persistent little guys. This is after two days ... and inside there was actually an egg! Sorry, but the nest and still got removed (the nest and egg are being sent with Derek again to his school for part 2 of show and tell)...I'm sure the sparrow egg kidnapping violates the spirit of Earth Day somehow - but I'm still holding out for my bluebirds! I keep telling the sparrows that they can be around and lay their eggs, just NOT in the bluebird house!

Goodbye White Walls

I'm not sure how Derek and I have managed to look at white walls for so long, but over his Easter break from teaching, Derek was quite busy painting. Thank you, Honey!!!
Here are some before and after pics:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Battle is ON!

Well I saw birds leaving the bluebird box again today - the sparrows are back! I actually caught one flying out of it as I checked the box...definitely not a bluebird! I figure I'll have to be watchful according to my internet reading - so let's see how many nests I get to remove! Here's the sparrows' work for the last day and a half:

Yep...this one's gone too

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pesky Sparrows

I came home Friday from work and it was still daylight and there was quite a bit of bird activity in the back yard. It donned on me that I should check our bluebird house. I got very excited that there was this twig hanging out of the opening and brought it down from the tree. Every time I've checked before it's been empty and there's just been dirt and occasionally a random feather. When I opened it, I was shocked. This huge nest was inside:

There were no eggs or creatures in there but I was just fascinated. I did some searching on the internet and unfortunately this picture almost matches perfectly the kind of nests house sparrows build when they take over bluebird houses. Plus, I have seen sparrows around a lot lately.

Apparently, the house sparrow (HOSP) is quite invasive and is a non-native species. People who want to attract bluebirds are quite adamant about ridding boxes of these nests....I think I even read on one of the websites: "It is better to not have a box at all then to let the house sparrow reproduce in one." It seems that they are the bluebirds' biggest competitors and will attack adult bluebirds. There are a lot of people who are quite protective of bluebirds! Since it's non-native, there are no laws preventing people from removing (or even destroying) the nests, eggs or birds themselves. I don't think I could actually ever kill a bird but I felt better knowing there were no eggs that I was harming. I went ahead and removed this nest because I read that the sparrows can nest other places just fine so they don't even need the houses, they just like to evict the bluebirds. Well, I have one daddy sparrow that's going to be livid that I removed his wonderful creation -- I'll have to check probably a couple more times that they don't come back. But the nest itself came out in one piece so Derek is taking it to his class for "show and tell."

Internet pictures show that bluebird nests are not this tall - only 1-4 inches, and with no 'tunnel'. This one went all the way to the top. There wasn't as much "trash" used in the nest as one might expect with the sparrow, mostly twigs, feathers, some dryer lint/pillow stuffing and one teeny fragment of cloth.

Also, notice how the mouth of the nest is at the top and actually is like a tunnel....the picture below is the nest from the back and you can see where the eggs might have been at the bottom of the nest.

While the sparrows might not be as happy, I'm hoping it's not too late for bluebirds to use the box...come on over bluebirds, the inn is vacant!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April Showers...

You know the saying, April showers bring May flowers....but what do April SNOW showers bring? I guess we'll have to wait and see after our strange Tuesday night snow flurry. Very weird! So far it only brought frozen fingers. Tuesday after work I came home to help Derek finish painting one wall and our kitchen. It's turned out great (I'm waiting for daylight over the weekend to try and snap some pics) - but as we ended I was cleaning out the bucket outside, scrubbing and rinsing it as my poor little fingers became numb with the cold. The snow had stopped a bit but dang if it still wasn't SUPER freezing outside. I got the bucket clean but had to run inside and defrost my fingers in front of a heater because I literally could not stand the pain anymore and I was starting to drop things as my fingers were too numb from the cold. I suppose that it hurt like heck meant they weren't technically frostbitten, but it sure felt like it!! Mental Note = no more painting in freezing weather if you're going to have to run the hose over your fingers in freezing temperatures!

Monday, April 13, 2009

An Auntie at Easter Time

One of my joys in life is being auntie to some wonderful nieces and nephews. I feel so privileged just to be an observer in their lives and watch them grow and embrace life. This last weekend at a family birthday/Easter celebration, I got to spend some more blessed time with Aubrey, Garrett and Siena. I hope that they will always know how much Auntie 'M loves each of them! Here they are:

The three munchkies...Aubrey, Siena, and Garrett

Getting ready for an Easter Egg hunt in Grandma's garden

This last picture I like because it shows my newest upcoming niece (in Staci's tummy at the top of the pic) - Lil' Firecracker is expected to make her appearance in July -- not even born and I love her so much already!

A Twin Birthday

One of the best parts of being a twin is always having a birthday buddy. This year, Nicole and I took advantage of Disney's free admission on your birthday - when we got our tickets, we each got a birthday button and everyone around the park would say "Happy Birthday" - how fun!!!

Time to "find Nemo"

Waiting to ride "Big Thunder" - I have fond memories of this roller coaster because I think it was the first major one I rode!

Waiting in line at Pirates of the Caribbean we saw these baby ducklings - how small, fuzzy, and adorable!!!

Riding Small World - Nicole called Aubrey and Garrett so they could hear the song!

To end the evening, Nicole and I met up with my folks at Downtown Disney for a dessert to top off the day of fun!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tehachapi News

It was fun to see my wonderful husband get mentioned in our local newspaper -- he is an awesome, dedicated teacher and his kids are lucky to have him!!!!

Check out the link: