Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Michelyn's Dog Rescue

This morning I got to play animal control. As I rounded our street corner on my way to work this morning, I saw a big chocolate lab trotting down the street and this little long black and white puppy running to keep up with it. Now I don't normally stop for loose dogs, but they both looked at me and had collars on...and there was just something about them. (Don't worry, we haven't adopted them!)

So I pulled over and they came right up...they were extremely friendly and wanted to be petted. The lab had a tag on so I called the number and got a hold of the owner, who then called his wife to come pick up the dogs. So I opened up the back car door and let them go inside because it was cold out and they were breathing hard like maybe they had been running a while(we already had the dog canvas cover over the back seat). They both jumped in immediately -- the lab (Finnigan) staring at me wanting more pats on the head and the little puppy flopping down, trying to curl up, and making puppy grunting/whining sounds like she was tired, had too much of an adventure this morning and just wanted to take a nap.

A short while later, the lady came and picked them up - she was appreciative (they think they dug out of their backyard) - but concerned because there's apparently a third dog who also got loose -- I felt so bad for her because she was still worried about that one, but I only ever saw these two. I had to get going to work and so she was going to drive around trying to find the third one -- I feel good that the dogs are back with their family and hope the third gets found soon.

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