Monday, March 16, 2009


OK...Derek and I figure that we are pretty well caught up to date with electronics! This weekend we got ourselves an early combined birthday gift and splurged for a Wii...competition will be fast and furious in the Devine household!

We played bowling for a while and then moved on to tennis. Of course in real life, I barely am able to make contact between racket and ball. Unfortunately, the same still seems to be true for the virtual world. For some reason I do better when I'm serving, but it's still so sad to see my little Mii fall flat on her face after swinging the racket spasmodically!
And apparently you know that you live a very sedentary lifestyle when just a few games of Wii tennis makes your right arm sore for the whole next day!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Very cool! FYI, you also know that you're sedentary when a 5 year old and 2 1/2 year old can easily kick your @$$ in bowling, tennis, etc.