Saturday, August 22, 2009

Surprises - Pt. 2

Here we go...

What I learned today: riding the horse when you're trying to get it to go where you want it to go is VERY different than sitting on the horse and letting it follow the one in front of it on a trail ride. :)

Copper and I are trying to do circles around the cone - poor guy, I'm sure my "cues" were really confusing for him. It's amazing how much coordination you have to have to do the right things with the reins, "flapping your legs" to help direct the horse and focus on not falling off.

It was fantastic! ...and I can see how cool it would be to practice and get really good at it.

I leaned SO much...and got to trot and lope.

Horses are truly wonderful animals!

Thank you, Melanie, for your patience with me!

Thank you, wonderful-husband-of-mine for such an awesome experience!


Mike(Grandpa) said...

Does this mean we should get ready for GrandHorses ? Love Dad

Launa said...

It looks like you were having a great time! You have room in your back yard for a horse, right?