Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Timeless Questions

J: "Why would Samson tell Delilah his weakness about his hair if she already lied to him once?"
M: "yes Joseph, that is a great question"

Joseph and I were doing reading homework and sometimes he likes to read out of this old-fashion Bible stories for children book we have (old fashion in the sense that the pictures are all curly-haired cherub looking people where it's hard to tell the boys from the girls!). He seems to lately like the stories of Samson and David & Goliath -- but what almost 10 year old boy wouldn't love the strength, fighting, slaying of giants themes!!!! But I chuckle sometimes because Joseph can pick up on things quite quickly - he was totally flabbergasted that a guy (Samson) would share his secret with a woman who lied and betrayed him not once but multiple times (a question I have often asked myself!). And the only answer I could give him was "Samson was in love"... Oh the ways of the world! Maybe I can turn this into a teaching moment in the future if he wants a girlfriend who is less than truthful? Anyways, it's pretty fun to watch the wheels in Joseph's head turn, turn, turn!


staci said...

I think one of greatest things about kids is their questions. It makes you realize just how smart they are.
I'm having a little trouble right now with some of the bible stories- words like slay are entering Siena's vocabulary.

Launa said...

Every year of a child has special moments and memories...record them so you can cherish them later.