Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mexican Dancing

I think we might be seeing a little more range of emotion from Joseph as he settles in -- the last couple of nights I've seen him be a little more negative, pessimistic and frustrated -- I'm going to take this as the "honeymoon" coming to an end. It seems like he can be particularly hard on himself as he expects to color perfectly and always do well on Wii sports. He gets frustrated when he doesn't win -- and Dad & Launa, I'm sorry for all the times I cried at losing a game at this age!!!! I'm sure it doesn't help that it happens at night after the meds wear off. Still, while honeymoons are great - "real" life adds dimension. :)

Another theme I'm seeing more of is reference to culture -- Joseph will often point out others, like on TV, that are "Mexican" like he is. Last night, he demonstrated "Mexican dancing" for me!!!! It kind of reminded me of my days several years back when I took Salsa dancing lessons -- maybe he can show me some good moves so I won't look so stiff on the dance floor!!!!!!!


Nicole said...

Several thoughts... 1.) at least you guys got a couple week honeymoon, 2.) the honeymoon phase is a good idea of what he's capable of, it's a matter of finding him ways to get back up that level of functioning, 3.) remember his chronological age is probably not his emotional age, 4.) now the real work begins, time to roll up the sleeves and let the slow process of healing begin....babysteps....YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Launa said...

Moods come and go with children. Try not to over analyze. Enjoy him. Know that the experiences you have to offer are wonderful and impressionable. You and Derek are the best and will make a positive impression on Joseph!