Monday, April 5, 2010


As of today we are pigless. My third and last piggie went to piggie heaven. She was my baby pig and actually quite sweet. She did love to chew on non-food items like towels and plastic bags :) Here are some pics of when she was a baby...

She went peacefully and lived actually longer than the expected life span (over 5 years) - she was a good pig! We will miss her and another life chapter comes to an end...

1 comment:

Viv and Mack said...

So sorry to hear of your dear little critter passing. She was lucky to have you.
The pictures of your trip up the coast are great, looks like a good time for all.
Der, I understand about that one book you just can't put down. If Kurt knew you, he would be proud of at least one of his fans.
Love you both a bunch, Dad