Friday, June 12, 2009

Poor Baby Shasta

Our poor puppy got an owie! This week we noticed a swelling between two of Shasta's right toes. So Thursday Derek took her into the vet...they checked it out and found a fox tail embedded in there, starting to get infected. They even found a nasty fox tail in one of her ears that we didn't even know about. After a brief surgical removal she has her paw all bandaged up and has to wear one of those cones for three days. She's a trooper and being patient with it all.

Now our nightly ritual includes body checks for those blasted fox tails!


Nicole said...

Ahhh poor Shasta. Have you seen "UP" yet? The dogs in the movie call it the "cone of shame" hee hee. Poor baby.

Launa said...

Those fox tails just keep going in once they hit the skin. They are so bad! Shasta will be fine tho, glad you caught it before the fox tail came out the other side!