Sunday, February 22, 2009

Out and About

Derek and I wanted to get out of the house as it has been rainy and snowy the last few weekends. So we headed towards Bakersfield and went to the CALM zoo - a small little place that has some rescued animals like reptiles, eagles, raccoons, foxes etc. The reptile house was actually pretty interesting because most of the snakes were fairly alert -- we even saw a rattlesnake yawn :) and we saw a raccoon play wrestling with a fox. Pictures were a challenge because of the bars of the cages, but I was pleased to see that the animals had generous amounts of space and had lots of logs, trees, branches, etc. in their cages. The staff make a point to let visitors know that these animals are either injured or have become too dependent on humans making their release back into the wild unlikely. I like that we get to enjoy their beauty and they get a safe home.

I actually also just liked seeing the trees and birds. Because CALM is so beautifully landscaped, they have signs listing the names of the plants/trees and all kinds of birds like to come hang out in the foliage. They had picnic benches all around also so it would probably be fun to brink a picnic and just relax!


Nicole said...

How far away was it? Maybe we can take the kiddos next time we're up visiting?

Launa said...

Those animals look so much cuter there than in my garden! Like many of them are.