Tuesday, June 26, 2007

True "Home Work"

Derek & I decided to play 'homeowners'.
Here he is after mowing the weeds in the back....the foxtails are vicious.

Michelyn is proud of changing the oil all by herself.
This will be my new designated 'oil change' shirt...funny how the
stains landed on 'frustrated' and 'sad.'

It's kind of hard to see, but we have a bird nest...I keep looking for little babies.

And this was Monkey's contribution to home improvement...knocking the dirt out of pots.

The other weekend, Derek built an awesome shade for the pups...he did a great job!

Hmmm....what's wrong with this picture? Monkey had a hyper moment (which he has a lot of) and falling off the couch he kicked up the left glass table top and shattered it. We knew it was likely just a matter of time...but what a mess! The pathetic part is that Monkey doesn't seem to remember and still tries to jump on and over the table, falling through the hole!

On an up note, Derek found this gem at a garage sale. It's super comfortable and for about $20 bucks we brought it home and fight over who gets to sit in it.

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