Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby Horse

At the corral this morning, there was this little guy in the next pen. He is 3 weeks old and was VERY cute!

His owner came to take his mama out for a ride and baby just followed behind!

Surprises - Pt. 2

Here we go...

What I learned today: riding the horse when you're trying to get it to go where you want it to go is VERY different than sitting on the horse and letting it follow the one in front of it on a trail ride. :)

Copper and I are trying to do circles around the cone - poor guy, I'm sure my "cues" were really confusing for him. It's amazing how much coordination you have to have to do the right things with the reins, "flapping your legs" to help direct the horse and focus on not falling off.

It was fantastic! ...and I can see how cool it would be to practice and get really good at it.

I leaned SO much...and got to trot and lope.

Horses are truly wonderful animals!

Thank you, Melanie, for your patience with me!

Thank you, wonderful-husband-of-mine for such an awesome experience!

Surprises Can Be Fun!

My honey decided to treat me to a surprise! He's a great guy! This morning I got a fun horse riding lesson... :)

I got to get up close and personal with my horse, Copper.....brushing him, checking his hooves

This was a local place - my instructor was Melanie - and she was fabulous!

Here I am trying to get the saddle on the horse -- those things are heavy! Copper was very patient, though!

And let's not forget the bridle!

Ok...I think we're ready! Thankfully Derek didn't take any pics of me trying to "hoist" myself on the horse - that was a challenge! Stay tuned for more pics...

Friday, August 14, 2009

To All the Moms I Know...

I found the link for the video they showed us at an orientation training for Koinonia I have been going to the last 3 weeks....I dedicate this to all the awesome moms I know - check it out!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kindergarten Aubrey

Dear Aubrey,
Auntie 'M is SO proud of you! You are growing so big and today you started Kindergarten! You are such a smart girl and I can't wait to hear about all the things you will learn in school!
I love you!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Big Bear & Guitar Hero

We had a wonderful jaunt up to Big Bear with "the fam" - always great to spend time with family! Got to take a group tour on the Miss Liberty to view the lake and its treasures!

A special treat was Mark bringing up his Guitar Hero - I had never played it before and much to Derek's delight, I think I'm hooked!